Western Region: Trauma Informed Training
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Held at Beaver Creek Reserve in the Woodland Room; (https://www.beavercreekreserve.org)
S1 County Hwy K,
Fall Creek, WI 54742

Cost: FREE

As part of the Wisconsin Hawthorn Project fall training series,
this full-day Trauma-Informed Care Training is specifically for staff and administrators of child-and-family serving entities in Wisconsin. Whether you are a child therapist, a home visitor, an early childhood educator, work in the welfare system, or are involved with children and families in some other way, this opportunity is for you.

In an effort to reduce the recapitulation of trauma in children and families who are seeking services, and in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Natural Wisdom Counseling will present a Core Curriculum on trauma, including:
1) Trauma 101 (types of trauma, symptoms of trauma and toxic stress, and Adverse Childhood Experiences)
2) Resiliency (protective factors, and cultivating resiliency)
3) Principles for Navigating Intersectional Adversity (an exploration of equity and systems of services)
4) Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organization (experiential activities, resources, and tools)

NOTE: This training will cover both introductory (25%), intermediate (50%), and advanced (25%) content. 

The capacity for the training is 50 people. Registrants that exceed the 50-person maximum will be added to a waitlist.

For more information contact Jess at info@wihawthornproject.com

Curious about the impact? Check out our data from the 2018 Western Regional Training!
This was the FIRST training in the Wisconsin Hawthorn Project initiative. The training is complete and feedback has been analyzed.

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Out of the 35 people who initially registered for the training, 22 people attended.
Out of the 22 attendees, 18 filled out the feedback/evaluation form.

Compared to before the training, 2 people (10.5%) felt significantly more competent, 12 people felt more competent (63.2%) and 5 people (26.3%) did not feel any change in their competency in trauma-informed care with clientele.

73.7% of respondents stated that they were likely or very likely to seek additional training from the Wisconsin Hawthorn Project.

As a result of this initial feedback, upcoming trainings have been modified. In particular, we will be focusing on accessibility, as well as strategies to moderate the wide range of knowledge/TIC exposure in the training audience.